The 3 Minute Podcast
Bite-sized professional development focused on continuous school improvement. Each series is focused around a topic. Guests have 3 uninterrupted minutes to share their thinking. It is followed up by a question to push the audience's thinking. Focused on supporting Kansas Educators in continuous school improvement. A series from the Kansas Learning Network. A contract funded by the Kansas State Department of Education and administered by Southwest Plains Regional Service Center. For additional resources visit https://www.ksdetasn.org/kln.
The 3 Minute Podcast
Leadership Team: Members and Stakeholders (Evidence-Based Practice lens)
Casey Collins
Season 4
Episode 3
How do teams know they have the right people at the table? How can they be intentional about including the voices of all stakeholder groups? Implementation Coach, Casey Collins shares her response using the lens of evidence-based practices.