The 3 Minute Podcast
Bite-sized professional development focused on continuous school improvement. Each series is focused around a topic. Guests have 3 uninterrupted minutes to share their thinking. It is followed up by a question to push the audience's thinking. Focused on supporting Kansas Educators in continuous school improvement. A series from the Kansas Learning Network. A contract funded by the Kansas State Department of Education and administered by Southwest Plains Regional Service Center. For additional resources visit https://www.ksdetasn.org/kln.
37 episodes
Leadership Team: Members and Stakeholders (Evidence-Based Practice/MTSS lens)
How do teams know they have the right people at the table? How can they be intentional about including the voices of all stakeholder groups? Denise Brown, State Trainer and Reading Specialist for KS MTSS & Alignment, shares her response thr...
Season 4
Episode 16

Collaboration: Goals and Success Criteria (Adaptive Schools lens)
How do you know a team is effectively collaborating? Implementation Coach Kayla Day shares her response using the lens of Adaptive Schools.
Season 4
Episode 15

Collaboration: Goals and Success Criteria (Evidence-Based Practice lens)
How do you know a team is effectively collaborating? Implementation Coach Abi Sanny shares her response using the lens of evidence-based practices.
Season 4
Episode 14

Data-Based Decision Making: Time and Success Criteria (Adaptive Schools lens)
How do teams find time for data-based decision making? How does a team know if it is effectively using data to make decisions? Implementation Coach Jessica Mossman shares her response using the lens of Adaptive Schools.
Season 4
Episode 13

Data-Based Decision Making: Time and Success Criteria (Evidence-Based Practice lens)
How do teams find time for data-based decision making? How does a team know if it is effectively using data to make decisions? Implementation Coach Kacie Olson shares her response using the lens of evidence-based practices.
Season 4
Episode 12

Data-Based Decision Making: Goals and Success Criteria (Evidence-Based Practice/MTSS lens)
What are some goal(s) for data-based decision making? and How do you know a team is successfully using data to make decisions? Brown, State Trainer and Reading Specialist for KS MTSS & Alignment, shares her response through a lens of ...
Season 4
Episode 11

Data-Based Decision Making: Types and Frequency (Adaptive Schools lens)
What types of data should a team be analyzing and how often? Implementation Coach Jessica Mossman shares her response using the lens of Adaptive Schools.
Season 4
Episode 10

Data-Based Decision Making: Types and Frequency (Evidence-Based Practice lens)
What types of data should a team be analyzing and how often? Implementation Coach Kacie Olson shares her response using the lens of evidence-based practices.
Season 4
Episode 9

Data-Based Decision Making: Types and Frequency (Evidence-Based Practice/MTSS Lens)
What types of data should a team be analyzing and how often? Denise Brown, State Trainer and Reading Specialist for KS MTSS & Alignment, shares her response through a lens of the evidence-based-practice of a multi-tiered system of support.&...
Season 4
Episode 8

Data-Based Decision Making: Goals and Success Criteria (Adaptive Schools Lens)
How do you know a team is successfully using data to make decisions? Implementation Coach Jessica Mossman shares her response using the lens of Adaptive Schools.
Season 4
Episode 7

Communication: Goals and Success Criteria (Adaptive Schools Lens)
How do you know a leadership team is successfully communicating? Implementation Coach Abi Sanny shares her response using the lens of Adaptive Schools.
Season 4
Episode 6

Communication: Goals and Success Criteria (Evidence-Based Practice Lens)
How do you know a leadership team is successfully communicating? Implementation Coach Renee Hopper shares her response using the lens of evidence-based practices.
Season 4
Episode 5

Leadership Team: Members and Stakeholders (Adaptive Schools lens)
How do teams know they have the right people at the table? How can they be intentional about including the voices of all stakeholder groups? Implementation Coach, Tonia Helm shares her response using the lens of Adaptive Schools. .
Season 4
Episode 4

Leadership Team: Members and Stakeholders (Evidence-Based Practice lens)
How do teams know they have the right people at the table? How can they be intentional about including the voices of all stakeholder groups? Implementation Coach, Casey Collins shares her response using the lens of evidence-based practices.&nbs...
Season 4
Episode 3

Leadership Team: Common Purpose and Goals (Adaptive Schools)
What is the common purpose and goals of the Building Leadership Team?--- Implementation Coach, Tonia Helm shares her response using the lens of Adaptive Schools.
Season 4
Episode 2

Leadership Team: Common Purpose and Goals (Evidence-Based Practice lens)
What is the common purpose and goals of the Building Leadership Team? Implementation Coach, Stephanie Bosiljevac shares her response using the lens of evidence-based practices.
Season 4
Episode 1

The Strength of Positive Leadership: Mary Stewart
Mary Steward seeks to lead Wyandotte HS with belief, resilience, and optimism, and gives hope and opportunities to all stakeholders.
Season 3
Episode 7

Recognizing, Cultivating, and Using Strengths: Amanda Rucker
Fifth grade teacher Amanda Rucker shares about leveraging strengths toward our ultimate goal - student achievement.
Season 3
Episode 6

Strengths as Puzzle Pieces: Lucas Sullivan
Strengths - everyone has them! Lucas Sullian gathers them and puts the puzzle pieces together for success at Garden City Achieve.
Season 3
Episode 5

Aspiring to Learn and Grow and Helping Others To Do the Same: Heath Peine
Is it a strength to admit that you have a lot to learn? Heath Peine uses evidence to answer his own question.
Season 3
Episode 4

Relationships Relationships Relationships!: LaTisha Downing
With what strengths do you lead? LaTisha Downing finds power in leading with your why and investing in relationships.
Season 3
Episode 3

What Are My Strengths? I Already Know My Weaknesses!: D’Andre Phillips:
Middle school teacher D’Andre Phillips shares about “unmastering” the skill of focusing on his weaknesses
Season 3
Episode 2

Nobody Has It All: Tammy Martin
Tammy Martin makes the case for surrounding ourselves with colleagues whose strengths we might not personally possess.
Season 3
Episode 1